McLaughlin Poll: Biden's Approval Falling, Trump Remains Clear 2024 Favorite

President Joe Biden departs after speaking about supply chain bottlenecks on Oct. 13, 2021 in Washington, D.C.  (Drew Angerer/Getty Images)

By John McLaughlin and Jim McLaughlinWednesday, 20 October 2021 03:02 PMCurrent | Bio | Archive

The McLaughlin & Associates October National Poll of 1,000 likely voters, conducted between Oct. 14-18, shows that while President Joe Biden’s policies are plunging America and the economy into misery, Biden and the Democrats’ poll numbers are falling even further with each disastrous proposal they put forth.

This means, as our M&A poll indicates, Republicans should be looking positively toward midterm elections. Likewise, if former President Donald Trump runs in 2024, the GOP nominee and his victory in the presidential general election is all but guaranteed.

To start, our polling showed that nearly six in 10 voters, 59%, now say America is on the wrong track. That pessimism includes 66% of independents, 56% of Hispanics, 61% of women, 64% of suburban voters, 50% of moderates, 60% of congressional undecided voters, and even 31% of 2020 Biden voters.

Only 38% say we’re headed in the right direction. As we showed last month, after the surrender of Afghanistan, President Biden’s job approval flipped from positive to negative. This month, Joe Biden’s approval rating is still declining.

President Biden’s job disapproval-approval among likely voters is 54% to only 45%. This is a decline of another net -4 points since last month. That’s significantly less than the 51% of the voters in the poll who say they voted for Biden last November.

Moreover, almost one in five 2020 Biden voters, 18%, now disapprove of the job he’s doing as president.

Furthermore, more voters ”strongly disapprove” than ”strongly approve,” a sentiment that seems to be growing. 39% of all voters strongly disapprove of Biden’s job, while only 24% strongly approve.

Perhaps more concerning for the Biden camp is that the president’s disapproval is also strong among important swing voters – among independents 59%, suburban voters 57%, congressional undecided voters 54%, women 53%, Hispanics 48%, African Americans 18%, and Democrats 16%.

It’s safe to say that many Biden voters did not think they were voting for what Joe Biden has done since he left the basement for the White House.

In fact, America’s opinion of Biden’s ability to lead has gotten so bad that the majority, 55%, say that they are worried about the future of America with Joe Biden as president. That figure includes 65% among Hispanics, 57% among suburban voters, 56% among women, 54% among independents, 53% among voters under 55 years, 26% among African Americans and 22% among 2020 Biden voters.


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