New Poll Data Shows Trump Rising Big Time!

(Photo by Tasos Katopodis/Getty Images)

By John McLaughlin and Jim McLaughlin

Wednesday, 19 May 2021 10:10 AMCurrent | Bio | Archive

In 2016, we had the privilege of advising then-candidate Donald J. Trump from the primaries through election day.

The Republican establishment didn’t think he would win. He beat them for the Republican nomination. The Washington, D.C. establishment didn’t think he could win in November 2016.

The establishment media created the “Hillary electoral lock.” He beat them again.

Then, for four years, they tried every means possible to delegitimize him.

The Washington establishment created an absolute phony Russian dossier. The CIA and FBI used it against our President. They launched multiple investigations. They impeached him and President Trump beat them again.

Politically they used a global pandemic, economic shutdowns with depression levels of unemployment, riots that caused the dismantling of public safety in cities across America, and finally the unconstitutional changes of election laws to water down voter ID, signature verification and other election integrity measures to narrowly defeat President Trump by a mere 44,000 votes out of 160 million votes cast.

Then, for good measure, the Washington D.C. establishment impeached President Trump –again–and unconstitutionally tried private-citizen Trump in a political show trial that was another waste of time and money during a pandemic.

For good measure, the Big Tech and Big Media establishment decided to censor private citizen Trump and take away his free speech.

In spite of all that, President Trump left the Democratically-controlled Biden/Harris government with a strong America at peace, a growing economy that was creating jobs again by the millions, and the historic Operation Warp Speed Trump vaccines that are ending the global pandemic.


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