McLaughlin & Associates Congratulates Prime Minister Netanyahu

McLaughlin & Associates Congratulates Prime Minister Netanyahu Congratulations to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the Likud Party and the people of Israel in their election victory this past Tuesday and thank you for letting us be a part of your success! *** Results of the 2019 Israeli election: 67.47% of eligible voters voted in the 2019… Read

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United In Purpose National Poll Results on Socialism

United in Purpose Presentation-National Survey on Socialism–March-For Release United in Purpose X-Tabs-National Survey on Socialism–March-For Release

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Newsmax Article: Trump Has Opportunity to Broaden Support and Win Re-election, Polls Show

Trump Has Opportunity to Broaden Support and Win Re-election, Polls Show By John McLaughlin and Jim McLaughlin Friday, 29 March 2019 10:33 AMCurrent | Bio | Archive Our most recent national poll of 1,000 likely voters was completed before the release of the Mueller Report, between March 20 and 24.The results of this new national poll show that President Trump and the Republicans… Read

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Washington Post Article: Trump’s free speech order for colleges gets support across political spectrum: Poll

By S.A. Miller – The Washington Times – Thursday, March 28, 2019 Democratic lawmakers slammed President Trump’s executive order protecting free speech on college campuses, but American voters of every political affiliation overwhelmingly support the edict, according to a poll. Nearly three in four voters — 73 percent — favor Mr. Trump’s order last week that required U.S. colleges… Read

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M&A POLL: National Monthly – March

National – Monthly Omnibus-March-Release

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