Monthly National Poll Finds a Majority of Likely Voters continue to Disapprove of President Obama’s Job Performance

Continuing with our 2014 monthly national survey project, we continue to find President Obama’s job rating as a net negative ( Approve 44% – Disapprove 53%). The generic ballot for Congress is still a toss-up (Democratic Candidate 43% – Republican Candidate 41%). The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, commonly known as Obamacare, has an… Read

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February National Survey Results

To: Subscribers and Media From:  John McLaughlin/Jim McLaughlin Re:       National Survey Results Date:   February 18, 2014                                                                                                                                                                                      National Survey Results – February 2014 Since our January poll, President Obama’s net approval rating has dropped 6 points from a net 5% disapproval (46%-51%) to a net 11% disapproval (43%-54%). On the generic ballot for Congress,… Read

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