National Review Online – The Election Paradox: Trump’s to Lose

The Election Paradox: Trump’s to Lose By John McLaughlin & Jim McLaughlin — March 28, 2016 Regarding the presidential race, although there are many national polls showing pretty much the same numerical results, it’s the analysis that counts. Our analysis of our just-completed national survey shows that there’s only one person who can beat Donald… Read

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March 2016 National Survey Results

National – McLaughlin – 3-24-16 Presentation National – Omnibus – 3-23-16 – Topline – Public National – Omnibus – 3-23-16 – X-Tabs – Public

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CPAC Straw Poll Results – March 5th, 2016

McLaughlin & Associates was pleased to participate in this year’s Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) by conducting the annual Straw Poll of CPAC attendees. We would like to thank the American Conservative Union, especially Chairman Matt Schlapp and Executive Director Dan Schneider for this opportunity. Below are the full results which include the much anticipated… Read

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National Survey cited in Kudlow’s Corner

A growth message, not natfights, will propel the GOP to November victory The Republican candidates need to speak again to the discontent of the middle class Larry Kudlow | @Larry_Kudlow Friday, 19 Feb 2016 | 11:26 PM Scott Mlyn | CNBC Larry Kudlow In the week leading up to the New Hampshire primary, a… Read

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National Review Online: Sanders Up, Hillary Down, and Trump Strong in Latest Poll

Sanders Up, Hillary Down, and Trump Strong in Latest Poll By John McLaughlin & Jim McLaughlin — February 19, 2016 The results of our just-completed national poll of 1,000 likely voters, including a sample of 422 Republican-primary voters and 454 Democratic-primary voters, conducted February 11–17, shows that this election year will be one like no… Read

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