YellowHammerNews: How pollsters with close Alabama ties helped propel Trump into the White House

How pollsters with close Alabama ties helped propel Trump into the White House WRITTEN BY CLIFF SIMS ON NOVEMBER 14, 2016 AT 8:34 PM CST Pollsters make a living being public opinion experts. But 2016 has been a tough year for the polling industry after the overwhelming majority of the “experts” were flat out wrong on two of the world’s most significant events — Brexit in the U.K. and the presidential election in the U.S. However, a polling firm with close ties to Alabama correctly called President­elect Donald J. Trump’s improbable victory, and their insight helped propel him to the White House. McLaughlin & Associates is a public opinion research firm based in New York, but the brothers who lead the company — John and Jim McLaughlin — have been the most influential Republican pollsters in Alabama for years. “Back in the last century, I worked for Gov. Fob James when we had a 20­point come­from­behind win for governor in 1994,” John told Yellowhammer. “Then I worked for Jeff Sessions in his first race for senate and subsequently Senator Shelby. Since then Jim has carried on the work for Senator Shelby with a big win in the primary this year. He also works for Congressmen (Mike) Rogers and (Robert) Aderholt, among others.” A closer look at the firm’s client list reveals a who’s who of Alabama politics: Governor Bob Riley, Attorney General Bill Pryor (who is now on Trump’s short list for the Supreme Court,), Senate President Pro Ten Del Marsh, Attorney General Luther Strange, Lt. Governor Steve Windom, the Business Council of Alabama, and dozens of state house and senate members. Perhaps most notably, Jim McLaughlin was the pollster behind Republicans’ successful effort to take control of the Alabama legislature for the first time since Reconstruction. During this election cycle, both McLaughlin brothers were involved in different aspects of the Trump effort. John was the internal pollster for the campaign and Jim worked for a pro­Trump Super PAC. This gave their firm the opportunity to play an outsized role in the ultimate victory, but also presented some challenges. Because FEC rules 11/15/2016 How pollsters with close Alabama ties helped propel Trump into the… Read

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WNYC News: The GOP Pollster Who Predicted Trump’s Win

WNYC News Published in WNYC News The GOP Pollster Who Predicted Trump’s Win Play/Pause Listen 1 min Queue Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Email a Friend The Trump campaign did far better than expected with women voters. (Carolyn Kaster / Associated Press) i Nov 9, 2016 · by Janet Babin Many last minute election… Read

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THE HILL – Trump pollster: Trump won because he was slightly behind

  © Greg Nash John McLaughlin, a pollster for Donald Trump, on Sunday partly attributed the businessman’s win in the presidential election to polls that showed him behind for most of the campaign. McLaughlin compared Trump’s victory to the come-from-behind campaign of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu last year, saying there were a number of similarities… Read

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John McLaughlin on the Cats Roundtable Predicts Trump Win

Pollster McLaughlin: Trump Will Win Because He Gives Change Americans Seek (“The Cats Roundtable”/AM 970 The Answer) By Brian Freeman   |   Sunday, 17 Jul 2016 06:48 PM Pollster John McLaughlin predicts a victory for Donald Trump in the November election, because 70 percent of Americans think the United States is on the wrong track. Speaking on… Read

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May 2016 – National Survey Results

National – Omnibus – 5-16-16 – Topline – Public National – Omnibus – 5-16-16 – X-Tabs – Public National – McLaughlin – 5-16-16 Presentation

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