May 2016 – National Survey Results

National – Omnibus – 5-16-16 – Topline – Public National – Omnibus – 5-16-16 – X-Tabs – Public National – McLaughlin – 5-16-16 Presentation

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March 2016 National Survey Results

National – McLaughlin – 3-24-16 Presentation National – Omnibus – 3-23-16 – Topline – Public National – Omnibus – 3-23-16 – X-Tabs – Public

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New Nat’l Poll Measures Americans’ Attitudes on Pursuing Their Dreams For The Ronald Reagan Society Of Eureka College

 New Nat’l Poll Measures Americans’ Attitudes on Pursuing Their Dreams For The Ronald Reagan Society Of Eureka College   Today, Eureka College announced the results of its first “American Opportunity Index.” The index gauges attitudes of Americans about their future and the opportunities available to them. Results from the 2016 Index illustrate respondents’ current views… Read

Share Button Poll: Americans Demand Congressional Vote on Iran Deal; Majority Opposes Presidential Veto

New Poll: Americans Demand Congressional Vote on Iran Deal; Majority Opposes Presidential Veto New York – – – – – – As Congress reconvenes from its summer recess their first order of business will be the most important security legislation of the 21st Century – the agreement with Iran on its nuclear program. Already the… Read

Share Button Survey Facts Drive Iran Deal Opposition

Survey: Facts Drive Iran Deal Opposition ‘The More Americans Learn About Key Details Within The Iran Agreement, The Less They Like It’ NEW YORK – Secure America Now released fresh survey findings today revealing broad American opposition to key details of the nuclear deal with Iran. The survey of 800 likely general election voters shows… Read

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