Florida Special Republican Primary Election Winners

McLaughlin & Associates is pleased to offer our congratulations to José Félix Díaz and Daniel Perez on their victories in yesterday’s  special Republican primary elections in South Florida. José Félix Díaz easily won the highly contested Republican nomination in State Senate District 40 in a three-way primary with an impressive 58% of the vote. Daniel Perez won the Republican nomination for House District 116 with… Read

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BBC Anchor ends interview with John McLaughlin as his responses don’t fit their narrative.

John McLaughlin, CEO of McLaughlin & Associates and Trump for President 2016 Campaign Pollster, has his interview abruptly cut short as he points out there are no facts in evidence of any Trump Campaign/Russian collusion in the 2016 election and that Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation have taken in vast sums of money from… Read

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Media Polling, M&A Polling and President Trump’s Ratings

To:                          All Interested Parties From:                     John McLaughlin & Jim McLaughlin Re:                          Media Polling, M&A Polling and President Trump’s Ratings Date:                      April 27, 2017     At the time of this writing the “unbiased” and “non-partisan” media polls are claiming that President Trump has the “lowest” approval rating for any President this… Read

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National Border Adjustment Tax (BAT) Memo

National – Memo – Border Adjustment Tax – 3-31-17

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NEW! March 2017 National Survey Reports

To:          All Interested Parties From:    John McLaughlin & Jim McLaughlin Date:     March 20, 2017 Re:         March National Poll Results   PRESIDENT TRUMP’S NEW AMERICAN OPTIMISM NEEDS AN ECONOMIC BOOST   At the White House on the day before St. Patrick’s Day, President Trump hailed a “new optimism” across America. However, the… Read

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