National – Secure America Now – Survey Results – 2-20-17

National – SAN – Memo – Survey findings 2-22-17   National – SAN – 2-20-17 Presentation   National – Monthly Omnibus – 2-20-17 – Topline n1000 – SecureAmericaNow   National – Monthly Omnibus – 2-20-17 – X-Tabs n1000 – SecureAmericaNow

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Hudson Institute Poll: Americans Prefer Lower Costs to Obamacare’s Preexisting-Conditions Protections

Poll: Americans Prefer Lower Costs to Obamacare’s Preexisting-Conditions Protections Jeffrey H. Anderson The part of Obamacare that has raised premiums the most is its “community rating” mandate. That mandate effectively bans the traditional understanding of insurance, which dates back at least to the Renaissance. Insurance has always been something that one must buy before the… Read

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Secure America Now: February 2017 Poll – National Security Issues

National – SecureAmericaNow – 2-6-17 – X-Tabs n1000 – FULL RELEASE National – SecureAmericaNow – 2-7-17 Presentation – Revised for Release with MEMO National – SAN – Memo – Israel questions 2-6-17 National – SecureAmericaNow – 2-7-17 Presentation – Revised for Release – Israel questions National – SAN – Memo – Survey findings 2-6-17 National… Read

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Jerusalem Post: Liberals are turning against the Jewish state

 BY: JOEL C. ROSENBERG Fully 83% of Israelis say they expect Trump to be “pro-Israel,” according to a December poll. The inauguration of US President- elect Donald Trump will mark the first time Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has ever had a Republican to work with in the White House. Bill Clinton was president during Netanyahu’s… Read

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Alabama Federation for Children: New Statewide Poll Shows Support for Educational Choice Programs in Alabama

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE  Media contact: Ryan Cantrell, 334-201-4949,   New Statewide Poll Shows Support for Educational Choice Programs in Alabama Tax Credit Scholarship Program Supported by 2:1 Margin   MONTGOMERY (Dec. 17, 2014) – Today the Alabama Federation for Children, in conjunction with the Black Alliance for Educational Options, released the results of a… Read

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