Survey Facts Drive Iran Deal Opposition

Survey: Facts Drive Iran Deal Opposition ‘The More Americans Learn About Key Details Within The Iran Agreement, The Less They Like It’ NEW YORK – Secure America Now released fresh survey findings today revealing broad American opposition to key details of the nuclear deal with Iran. The survey of 800 likely general election voters shows… Read

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Regulation Alert, Inc. – National Survey Results – U.S. Oil Export Ban

To:      Regulation Alert, Inc. From: John McLaughlin Re:      National Survey Results Date: July 17, 2015                                                                                                                                                The Results of our just completed national survey shows that among American voters, winning public support to repeal the U.S. Oil Export Ban is highly achievable. Most voters are not aware that there is currently a ban but… Read

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Redefining What’s Conservative Heather Higgins | Jun 17, 2015 Editor’s note: This column was co-authored by Hadley Heath Manning. Republicans are struggling with how to handle Obamacare and its manifestations. How best to respond to fallout from the pending Supreme CourtKing v. Burwell decision? Should Congress use reconciliation this summer? If so, to what end? And more fundamentally, for… Read

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A top GOP strategist and pollster for newly re-elected Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is warning that New York Democrats, including Hillary Clinton, “will pay a heavy price” at the polls next year if they don’t break with President Obama’s policies on Israeland reject any deal he makes with Iran. “Hillary Clinton, [Sen.] Chuck Schumer, [Reps.] Nita Lowey, Steve Israel, Jerry Nadler,… Read

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The Hill: Netanyahu pollster: Obama role in election larger than reported

President Obama’s role during the Israeli elections was larger than reported, according to a pollster for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s Likud party.   “What was not well reported in the American media is that President Obama and his allies were playing in the election to defeat Prime Minister Netanyahu,” John McLaughlin, a Republican strategist,… Read

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