SAN: National Survey Results – American Attitudes Towards Obama/Iran Nuclear Negotiations

To: From: John McLaughlin Re:      National Survey Results – American Attitudes Towards Obama/Iran Nuclear Negotiations Date:April 15th,2015                                                                                                                                            Methodology:This national survey of 1,000 likely 2016 general election voters was conducted from April 8th to 13th, 2015. All interviews were conducted online; survey invitations were distributed randomly within predetermined geographic units. These units were structured… Read

Share Button Majority of Americans Support Prime Minister Netanyahu’s Speech to Joint Session of Congress

To: From: John McLaughlin Re:      National Survey Results – Prime Minister Netanyahu’s Speech on Iran Date: February 18th,2015                                                                                                                                   Majority of Americans Support Prime Minister Netanyahu’s Speech to Joint Session of Congress   Methodology:This national survey of 1,007 likely 2016 general election voters was conducted from February 13th to 17th, 2014. All interviews were conducted… Read

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January 2015 National Survey Results

To:      M&A Friends and the Media From: John & Jim McLaughlin Re:      National Survey Results Date: January 15, 2015                                                                                                                                       National Survey Results   “Do you approve or disapprove of the job Barack Obama is doing as President of the United States?”   As has been the trend, the President’s approval rating is still upside-down… Read

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Regulation Alert: Voters see lifting the ban on exporting U.S. crude oil as a good idea to save jobs and improve the domestic economy

To:      Regulation Alert, Inc. From: John McLaughlin Re:      National Survey Results Date: January 15, 2015                                                                                                                                       National Survey Results   “Are you aware or unaware that since 1967 there has been an “U.S. Oil Export Ban” which prevents the U.S. from shipping crude oil overseas?”   Currently less than 2 in 5 voters, 38%, are… Read

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Washington Examiner – American fear: 74% see ‘catastrophic terrorist attack’ inside United States

American fear: 74% see ‘catastrophic terrorist attack’ inside United States BY PAUL BEDARD | JANUARY 7, 2015 | 3:59 PM Americans are deeply worried that the a “catastrophic terrorist attack” by Islamic militants, like the one Wednesday on a Paris magazine staff, will happen in the United States, according to a new poll. According to the survey from… Read

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