National Survey Results

To view this file in PDF form please click here.   To: From: John McLaughlin Re:      National Survey Results Date: June 2, 2014                                                                                                                                               National Survey Results   “Do you agree or disagree that since this country was founded upon the idea of “no taxation without representation”   Currently 8 in 10 voters, 79%,… Read

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National Review Online: Is the Midterm Tsunami on Its Way?

To view the article on National Review Online click here. To view trends of national survey results click here. MAY 27, 2014 4:00 AM Is the Midterm Tsunami on Its Way? The GOP has a narrow generic-ballot lead in our polling, and undecided voters are sympathetic. By John McLaughlin & Jim McLaughlin For months pundits have speculated about… Read

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The Political Need for an Obamacare Alternative

Partners John and Jim McLaughlin decided to release their monthly national survey results and findings regarding Obamacare and an alternative. To view the whole story please visit our friends at  National Review Online.

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Monthly National Survey reveals continuing disapproval of the President and Obamacare

National – McLaughlin – 04-28-14 Presentation

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Congratulations to Barbara Comstock on her Republican Primary Victory in Virginia’s 10th Congressional District!

Congratulations to Barbara Comstock on her Republican Primary Victory in Virginia’s 10th Congressional District! April 28, 2014 Barbara Comstock came out on top in Saturday’s Republican Firehouse Primary for Virginia’s 10th Congressional District, in which she captured 54% of the vote, far ahead of her six opponents. In the atypical primary election format, voters had… Read

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