Voters Support State Action to propose the Regulation Freedom Amendment by Almost 2 to 1

To:       Carolyn Malenick, The Madison Coalition From:  John McLaughlin Re:       National Survey Results Date:   February 18, 2014                                                                                                                                                                                      Voters Support State Action to propose the Regulation Freedom Amendment by Almost 2 to 1 A majority of Americans are concerned about regulatory abuse and believe action is required to correct the abuse. Together a majority, 52%,… Read

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February National Survey Results

To: Subscribers and Media From:  John McLaughlin/Jim McLaughlin Re:       National Survey Results Date:   February 18, 2014                                                                                                                                                                                      National Survey Results – February 2014 Since our January poll, President Obama’s net approval rating has dropped 6 points from a net 5% disapproval (46%-51%) to a net 11% disapproval (43%-54%). On the generic ballot for Congress,… Read

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The Madison Coalition: National survey shows that across the country voters support the Regulation Freedom Amendment

The results of this national survey show that across the country voters support the Regulation Freedom Amendment.  Voters also agree that increased government regulations under President Obama’s administration have hurt job growth and the economy as well as made America more energy dependent on other countries. Finally they agree that government regulations are a “hidden… Read

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ZOA Release of New Poll: Americans Show Overwhelming Support For Israeli Positions –– Oppose Obama’s Positions

58% ––17% PA Will Be Terror State,  47% –– 14% Support Settlements 59% –– 17% Want Stronger Iran Sanctions   New Poll: Americans Show Overwhelming Support For Israeli Positions –– Oppose Obama’s Positions   A new poll of American public opinion has found that the vast majority of Americans support Israel on virtually every major… Read

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YG Network Releases New Poll Data On Economic Growth, Inequality

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: January 24, 2014 CONTACT: Chris Bond, YGN Releases New Poll Data On Economic Growth, Inequality Poll: Americans Prioritize Growth, Job-Creation Over Minimum Wage Hike ALEXANDRIA, Va. — The YG Network — a non-profit 501(c)(4) dedicated to broadening the Young Guns movement by promoting next-generation conservative policies — today released new poll… Read

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